
434% More Indexed Pages- that’s what happens to your website when you blog. Studies show that websites that have blogs have an average of 434% more indexed pages on Google. And that’s just an average- the more blog posts, the more indexed pages.

What does this mean? It means that websites with blogs have 434% more chances of being found when someone uses a search engine to find something on the internet. Not only that, but search engines love blogs! Why? Because blogs often provide up-to-date targeted information.

While your main website remains fairly static over time, your blog adds a new page with new information every time you post a new blog article. And if you do it right and ping the search engines after you post your article, they will come, almost immediately, and index that post, making it available to be found by people searching for the keywords in that post. And not only did the search engines index your new post, but they still have your older posts indexed.

Blogging for BusinessI like to tell our clients that their websites are like trot lines in fishing. Each web page and  blog post is a hook baited with keywords. Every time you add a new blog post, you add a hook baited with the keywords in that blog post. If you write only one blog post per week for a year, you will have 52 new pages or hooks for the search engines to index. That’s 52 more opportunities for someone to find your website.

Have you written your blog post for this week? Have you given your website another opportunity to be found?

Blogging for Business Seminar


Blogging for Business – Content Types

by blogmistress on May 16, 2011

blogging for business

This blog is so interesting.

This is part 4 of our continuing Blogging for Business series. We have already discussed why you should blog, looked at other blogs and learned how to own your blog; now we are going to look at different types of content. Mixing up the types of content on your blog make it more interesting. Let’s look at some of the content types:

Text – this is the obvious content type. Text is probably the most common content type. There are several different ways you can use text that will be useful for your readers as well as for search engines.

Lists – people like lists. They are quick and easy to read. Think of all the types of lists you can make- top 5 of this, 10 ways to do that. The possibilities are endless. Not only are lists quick and easy to read, they are also quick and easy to write!

Sub-headers – If you are going to write a long post, use sub-headers to break it up and give your readers an easy way to skim through and see what your post is about.

Keyword rich – make sure your posts contain those all important keywords and keyword phrases. This helps people find your content when they are looking for you in search engines. However, use your keywords in a meaningful way. If you are just stuffing keywords in everywhere, your posts will not make sense to your readers. Being found by search engines does you no good if once you are found, you are just confusing.

Pictures – Pictures are a great content type. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. You definitely want to use pictures. Just make sure that your pictures are optimized for the internet. Keep in mind that your pictures online do not have to be a gizzilion mega-pixels like they would for print. Optimize your pictures by reducing the file size. Your picture will look great and load fast! Again, you want to optimize for people as well as search engines and search engines are now looking at load speed. If you don’t have a program on your computer that will compress the file size of your pictures, you can use a free online tool such as

Video - Words and pictures combined! I love the way ESPN does video. They post the video and then provide a transcript of the video as well. Now, that is a great way to include video. You get the advantage of video and the SEO boost with the transcript. Google likes video and so do people.

Think about ways you can incorporate all of these content types in your blog. Having a mix makes your blog more interesting and useful!

Blogging for Business Seminar


Blogging 1st steps

photo courtesy of torange

Happy Friday! This is article 3 in our ongoing series about blogging for business.

Now that you have been reading blogs and getting an idea of the different styles are being used by others, it is time to get started yourself. When you start blogging, it is the same as when you start a website. you need to OWN it! Owning your blog is an important 1st step, and there are a few things to consider.

  1. Make sure your blog is under a domain name that you own. That means that it is registered in your name and that you have a username and password to access it.
  2. If you already have a website and want to have your blog be a part of it, you can create the blog as a sub-domain of your current website or place it in a folder on your current website.

Have  I lost you yet? Sorry to start talking techy on you here, but this is important. Let’s look at an example using Wharton Marketing:



As you can see, in the 2nd example, the blog is “under” the main site. It is in what is called a sub=-domain. This is a self-hosted blog, meaning not only do we own the domain name, but we pay for the hosting as well.

In the 1st example, I would have been using a free blog hosting service such as Blogspot or Typepad. While I understand that free is good, here is the problem:

Blogging is good for SEO, but only if it passes credit back to you or if you are in a sub-domain of your website back to your website as well. If you are taking the time to create good linkable content (which we will talk more about next week) you don’t want to be doing it for Blogspot or Typepad, you want to be doing it for you!

If you don’t own your blog, you don’t control it. Your URL doesn’t belong to you. In any business, you want to be building assets that you own and control.  All of the wonderful benefits that you get from blogging are pretty much negated if you don’t own your blog!

The most important 1st step for blogging? OWN it!

Blogging for Business Seminar

By the way, if you have been blogging with a free blog platform, often times you can export your posts to a hosted platform. We have successfully moved blogs from BlogSpot to a hosted WordPress platform. So, don’t think that all is lost. Just make sure that you make plans today to start owning your blog!





1st Steps for Beginning Business Bloggers

by blogmistress on May 11, 2011

1st Steps for Business Bloggers

photo by Sean Dreilinger via Flickr

You may have been thinking about starting to blog for your business but you just didn’t know where to start. One good way to start is to see what others are doing. Read other business blogs. Obviously, you are reading this blog (which we really appreciate) and hopefully you are getting content you can use. When you are reading blogs look for:

  • What questions are being answered. Often business bloggers will keep in mind the types of questions they are getting from their customers.
  • What type of content is being delivered. There are several different types of content. Long narratives, lists, quick takes. What kind of content do you think is most effective? What type of content might you feel most comfortable writing about?
  • What kind of call to action (if any) is offered. Is there anything on the blogs you read that gives readers a way to convert in to customers?
  • Is it human? I know that seems like a funny question, but sometimes do you read and think you might like to see a little of the writers personality coming through? Sometimes that human element can help people decide to do business with you.

Even if you have already started blogging, reading other business blogs is a good idea. You may find some articles that will really resonate with you that you could write about. A few of the blogs that I read regularly and recommend are:

Hubspot Inbound Marketing Blog – This blog is written by our partner company, Hubspot. They have a lot of great articles focused on inbound marketing.

Seth Godin – I like Seth Godin’s blog because he always puts a new and interesting twist on marketing and has written some great books as well. Definitely, take time to check him out.

CopyBlogger – At CopyBlogger, you not only get a lot of great marketing information, you get great tips about how to present it, particularly on a blog!

ASBTDC-ASU – Of course our list wouldn’t be complete without our friend, Herb Lawrence at the Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center over at Arkansas State University. Herb offers information for small businesses not only about marketing but about government programs that can help small business, consulting and much more.

I also enjoy reading business blogs that are outside my own industry. There are blogs for just about every type of business out there. Are there any in your local area? Check it out and see. If not, that is even a better opportunity for you!

Don’t forget, if you are in the area, you can sign up for the ASBTDC blogging seminar. Yours Truly will be speaking and if you are interested in growing your business through blogging, you can come find out how to do it effectively at this seminar. Would love to see you!

Blogging for Business Seminar




4 Reasons You Aren’t Blogging

by blogmistress on May 9, 2011

Yes, I’m talking about blogging again. I know, I know, you don’t want to blog. You love Facebook, but you just don’t really want to get into blogging. You’ve heard that studies show that small businesses that blog get:

  • 55% more visitors
  • 97% more inbound links
  • 434% more indexed pages

blog scaredy catStill, you have your reasons. The reasons that most companies don’t blog can be wrapped up in one – they are afraid.

  1. They are afraid they don’t have anything to write about. They can talk to people all day long about their product or service, but when it comes to writing, they suddenly don’t have anything to say.
  2. They are afraid they don’t write well enough. Maybe, they think their 8th grade English teacher will be reading their blog instead of the people who are interested in what they have to say about their products.
  3. They are afraid they don’t have time. They are very busy and writing a blog takes time.
  4. They are afraid they don’t have the technical skills necessary to write a blog. After all, this is not like writing in a notebook, this is writing on the web so it must be complicated.

Any of those ring true with you? In the next couple of weeks, we will be addressing these blogging concerns for all the scaredy-cats out there and put your fears to rest. We will also discuss some tips and tricks for blogging and how to make your company blog the most successful and profitable part of your internet marketing strategy..

So, stay tuned, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday here at the Wharton Internet Marketing Blog. We will also be announcing a new opportunity for you to not only be a great inbound marketer, but to get an inbound marketing certification as well!

If you are anywhere near the North Arkansas area, you can even come listen to me talk about blogging in a 3 hour seminar for the Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center on May 24th from 1 -4 pm at the Donald W Reynolds Library. Don’t be a scaredy-cat. It will be lots of fun!

Sign up for the seminar by calling the ASU Small Business and Technology Development Center at (870) 972-3517

Photo by Highway Skylines via Flickr


How To Train Web Spiders

by blogmistress on April 18, 2011

web spiderA search engine spider is a program that follows, or “crawls”, links throughout the internet, grabbing content from sites and adding it to search engine indexes. Spiders will visit your site and see what new content you have. However, the less new content you have, the less they will visit you.

Did you know you can train web spiders? Because web spiders are specifically looking for new content, the frequency of their visits to your site is determined by how often your site has been updated in the past. If  you only update your content once a month, the search engine spiders know they only need to visit on a monthly basis to see your new content.

If you are updating your content at least once a week, thee search engine spiders will get used to coming around weekly to index your new content and indexing that new content means it is then available to be found by search engines! Those web spiders are looking for new content so you have to feed them new content to get them trained to come and visit your site.

A blog is the best and easiest way for businesses to add new content on a regular basis. Work on adding great content that will not only be crawled by spiders and indexed by search engines, but will be attractive to people when they are searching.

Another tool that helps spiders and search engines is an xml site map. XML is a document structure and encoding standard that is the standard for spiders to find and parse site maps. Site maps can improve search engine optimization by making sure that all of your content can be found. You can set your site map so that it will notify search engines when you have new content so the spiders will not only be trained to come back, but will get an invitation to see your new content.

Businesses wanting to be found on the web have to come to terms with the fact that content creation that is search engine friendly is imperative to growing online.

Has blogging helped your business? Tell us how.

Blog Specials



Long Tail Keywords for Better Website Traffic

by blogmistress on April 6, 2011

What are long tail keywords? They are the specific niche phrases that help you reach a very targeted market as opposed to short tail keywords that are targeted at a broader marketing. In 2010, on Google, over 50% of searches had over 4 keywords entered. Long tail keywords allow you to better reach your specific targeted audience. This image from the Left Click Blog is a illustration of the long tail.

Let’s look at an example:

The words “Real Estate” get 1,000,000 monthly searches. If you are using the keyword real estate, it will be very hard for you to rank. In most cases, it would also not be effective to rank for real estate. If you are a local Realtor, it does not make sense to try to compete for the term “real estate” because you are competing for that phrase world wide.

The term “Real Estate in Mountain Home, AR” gets way fewer searches. If you are a Realtor in Mountain Home, Arkansas, that would be a better keyword phrase to try to rank for because it is specifically relevant to you. This is an example of a long tail keyword phrase.

You can take this example even further. While “Real Estate in Mountain Home, AR” is a good phrase, in this case, you still have a lot of competition because there are many Realtors in Mountain Home. An even longer long tail keyword might be, “Norfork Lake view home in Mountain Home, AR.” Of course, there will not be as many people searching with that phrase, but, if they are using those words and they find your listing for a Norfork Lake view home in Mountain Home, AR, you have delivered exactly what they are looking for. That kind of traffic is very valuable because you have exactly what they are looking for!

Think of long tail keyword examples for your business. If you have a static website, the opportunity to get long tail keyword traffic is limited. You should limit your keyword phrases to one per page. If you have a 20 page website, you have 20 long tail keyword opportunities. However, if you have a website that you can expand and add pages or even better a blog, you have limitless opportunities to rank for long tail keywords that will reach a more targeted market.

You can research keywords online with free tools such as Google’s keyword tool. You can also do research with paid tools such as Hubspot’s keyword grader that can be integrated with your blog and website and track your keyword traffic.

Key Take-Aways:

  1. Use long tail keywords for better traffic. Reach your niche market more effectively.
  2. The more opportunities you take to use long tail keywords, the more effective they will be.

Next Step:

  1. Start a blog! It is one of the most effective ways to reach your target market.



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Blogging As An SEO Strategy

by Admin on March 30, 2011

blogging as an seo strategyShould blogging be part of your SEO strategy? The short answer is “yes”. We’ve talked a lot about how the more content (i.e. pages) you have on the internet, the better your chance of showing up in search engine results. And there is no better way to put more targeted content on the web than by using targeted blog posts.

When I say targeted blog posts, I mean blog posts that are targeted to specific keywords or keyword phrases. Have you ever looked at your analytics and found that visitors got to your website using search terms you never thought of? Well, do some keyword research on these and other phrases you think people might be using to search. Then write your blog posts targeted toward the keyword phrases that are getting the most searches. Each blog post should target a single keyword or keyword phrase.

While the pages of your website remain fairly static over time, you can easily add fresh, relevant content to the web through keyword phrase targeted blog posts. Search engines, as well as people, love fresh, relevant content. So give it to them.

Blogging as an SEO strategy and as a people optimization strategy (POS) will help you get found by search engines and people!

Key Take-Away

  1. Blogging is a great way to optimize for search engines as well as people.






The Line Between SEO and Social Media

by Admin on March 13, 2011

seo-social-media-optimizationThe line between SEO and Social Media is becoming more blurred all the time, especially with the socialization of Google (discussed in our previous post Google Gets More Social) and the partnership between Facebook and Bing. In case you didn’t know it, there is a war going on between Google and Facebook over your “word search” business. This means that your future internet marketing plans will need to include both Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media Optimization (SMO).

What should you do? My Title Guy says:

Easy. Get a Blog. Create dynamic, engaging content (video, pictures, audio, text) and distribute it through all of your social channels-Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Linkedin, Flickr, Vimeo, etc. Because writing content for search engines can be different that content for actual people-consumers, forward thinking professionals will create highly engaging, keyword rich, VALUABLE content that is worthy of being shared across social networks. Next time you create content on your YouTube Channel, Twitter, Active Rain, Linkedin, Facebook Fan Page (personal FB pages are not indexed in social search) ask yourself “Who am I talking to? Who is my ideal client? What is my message? Is my message valuable? Do I have a call to action? Have I asked the consumer to engage with me- to share my content, etc”. The goal of getting found online stays the same, the method continues to change.

A blog is the best way to keep your web presence up-to-date with relevant, engaging content. It can be the foundation of you Social Media Optimization Strategy. Small businesses, especially, need to stop focussing so much on their websites and start spreading their content around socially.

Key Take-Aways:

  1. Both SEO and SMO are necessary for a good web presence.
  2. A blog is a great way to integrate everything together.

Next Steps:

  1. Start thinking strategically about blogging and get your own blog set up!


Google Gets More Social

by Admin on March 11, 2011

On February 17th, Google announced that it was getting more social in its search results. That means your friends’ activity on social media, such as Blogs, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube and others, may soon be having an impact on how pages rank. This is an expansion of the announcement by Google in October 2009. The video below shows how this would work.

To see Social Search Results, you have to be logged into your Google account and you must have linked your Google Profile to your social networks. One problem I see with the new Social Search is there is no option to disable it. If you have linked your Google Profile with your social networks, the only way to view regular search results, without Social Search Results, is to log out of Google. However, on the plus side, when you are logged in, you get more targeted, relevant results! Wouldn’t you rather know what a friend or colleague said about that new restaurant you were thinking about visiting instead of what sally347, who, unbeknownst to you, is a disgruntled former employee of said restaurant, said on Yelp?

We’ll discuss the implications of this for SEO in our next blog article on Monday.

Key Take-Aways:

  1. With search engines becoming more social, companies that take advantage of social media will definitely have an advantage in SEO efforts.

Next Steps:

  1. If you are in the North Arkansas area, sign up for the SEO Tools Seminar being offered by the Arkansas Small Business & Technology Development Center. This seminar will be taught by Christi Wharton of Wharton Marketing. To register call the ASU SBTDC (870) 972-3517, E-mail them at [email protected], Register on Line at You can also leave a comment on this blog with your email address and we will pass that along to ASBTDC.

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