Blog Help

by blogmistress on March 27, 2009


I visited around 100 blogs yesterday. There are a lot of great blogs out there with great content but here are a few problems that I found that are easy to fix.

Slow loading background – When you have great content, you really are just distracting from it with a slow loading background with a lot of detail. It may look nice once it is loaded but it is the content that makes people stick around.

Difficulty leaving comments. I found several that only allowed you to leave your URL if you were using the blogging format that was also used by the blogger. After having visited all of these blogs, I could see that it was just a discussion setting that could be changed. Give your readers a lot of options and install a spam blocker like Akismet to handle the rest.

Give up a little control. I kind of found it off-putting when I visited a blog that started out right from the start telling me that everything on the blog belonged to the blogger and I had no right to use any of it. I’m not really sure that I would want to use any of it but it was kind of like being invited to someones home but when you got to the door they told you to take your shoes off and don’t touch anything. I don’t like people to steal “my stuff” but I do like for people to share “my stuff” and I like to share with you when I find something that will be helpful to you (of course always giving credit and links back to the original source). These people aren’t building a lot of link love or any other kind of love for that matter. Lighten up!

Don’t overload me. A few of the blogs I visited had so much going on that I’m sure I missed a lot. One had an article about her business and I had to search and search to find a link. It was on a sidebar that had tons of other stuff on it. I really want to see your content and pictures and links – just not all at once!

Like I said to start with, there are a lot of great blogs out there and a lot don’t need my free advice. But, some do, so . . . there it is.

One comment on “Blog Help

  1. Nancy on said:

    Amen. I find it really offputting to have all the warnings and was glad to see it isn’t just me! And so many require you to jump through hoops to leave a message. Interesting article. Thanks, Nancy

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