The Importance of Keywords and Keyword Research in SEO

by Admin on October 21, 2011

Keywords and keyword phrases are vital to SEO and getting found on the internet because they are what the search engines use to deliver results. When you have a topic to write about on the internet, you need to do a little keyword research. Think of the words or phrases (keywords and keyword phrases) your target audience might use to search for this topic in search engines. Be sure they are terms your target audience would use. We often see businesses use technical terms when their audience is non-technical laypeople.

Once you have come up with several phrases, use a keyword tool, such as the one in HubSpot or Google, to see if any of your phrases are being used in searches. These tools will also give you ideas for other phrases that are being used. Pick the most relevant phrase to your topic that is getting searched. You usually don’t want the phrase with the most searches, as they are usually very general and you are unlikely to rank for them. Once you have chosen your keyword phrase, sprinkle it throughout your article, use it in your title.

The reason keyword phrases are important is because they are what search engines use to deliver results. All other variables being equal, the more closely your keyword phrase matches someone’s search field, the higher your article will rank in the results.


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