Keywords meta tag

SEO Week – Day 5 – Keywords & Description

by joebwharton on April 24, 2009

Keywords Meta Tag: While Google says it doesn’t weight this meta tag very highly anymore, it is still a good idea to include it in your commercial web page– if for no other reason than to help give you focus when writing your page. Google now values the content of your page more. While it was once considered standard practice by many web designers, the use of the “laundry list”, a long list of individual keywords separated by commas, is ineffective. It is much better to tune your web page for one phrase well than to tune for many words poorly.

Description Meta Tag: Every commercial web page should have a description meta tag. It should contain one or two short sentences containing the keyword or phrase. An effective technique is to start with the keyword phrase and then follow with a sentence containing the keyword phrase a second time. The description meta tag is important, not only for page rank, but also because the description meta tag provides the text that appears just below the page title in most search engine results.

Be sure to include both the Keywords Meta Tag and the Description Meta Tag in your web pages.