Software As A Service (SaaS)

by Admin on August 30, 2011

HubSpot Certified PartnerAccording to Wikipedia, Software as a service (SaaS) is a software delivery model in which software and its associated data are hosted centrally (in the cloud) and are typically accessed by users using a thin client, usually a web browser over the internet. It has become a common delivery model for many business applications.

One of the benefits of SaaS is its pricing. Unlike the pricing structure of traditional software, which is typically sold as a perpetual license with an up-front fee (and smaller ongoing support or upgrade fees), SaaS is usually priced as a subscription fee, typically a monthly or annual fee. This allows the initial setup cost for SaaS to be lower than the equivalent enterprise software.

Centralized hosting allows the SaaS provider to offer better support. Since the software is hosted at the provider’s location, the provider doesn’t have to be concerned with the software being compatible with thousands of computer/OS configurations.

We use a SaaS called HubSpot for ourselves and our clients. HubSpot has taken all of the best inbound marketing methods and consolidated them into one integrated software package, so you can blog, tweet, optimize, capture leads and nurture them all in one place. This software would have cost tens of thousands of dollars if it were sold at a one time price. But because it is SaaS, it is only a few hundred dollars per month. And worth every penny. In fact, we became Certified HubSpot Partners because we think this is such a valuable SaaS.

We also use another SaaS for our e-commerce clients that integrates e-commerce, social media and mobile marketing all in one solution. The monthly fee is based upon how many products you have for sale.

SaaS is a great way to get comprehensive software and great support for a great price. If you would like to learn about the HubSpot software and how you can use it to grow your business through Inbound Marketing, contact us for a demo.


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