Converting Visitors Into Leads

by blogmistress on February 13, 2012

website lead generationIs your website a static brochure or is it a lead generating machine? When people think about designing a website, or redesigning a website, they sometimes overlook the most obvious question which is, “Why?” Why do you want a website or a redesign? Often we hear that the reason is to get a “fresher look” or to incorporate new products or services. Sometimes, business owners want a redesign so they can make edits themselves. However, once they are able to make edits and add content, many times, the website still remains static and changes are seldom made.

What is missing here is the development of goals and strategies for your website. It is much easier to work on generating leads for your website when you have a plan in place. A lead generating plan for your website should start with some basics:

  1. What kind of content can I create on an ongoing basis that will attract visitors (and search engines) to my website?
  2. How will I research keywords that are necessary to include in my content?
  3. When people visit my website, what compelling calls to action can I offer that will encourage them to convert from a visitor into a lead?
  4. What different offers can I create for people who are in different places in the buying cycle?
  5. Once someone has converted to a lead for my business, how am I going to nurture that lead into a sale?
  6. How am I going to analyze my strategy in order to see what is effective and where I need to make adjustments?

All of these questions can help you start creating a strategy for turning your website into a lead generating machine.

Learn more about converting visitors into leads for your business from the Essential Guide to Internet Marketing.


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