Online Marketing Strategy | Pulling It All Together

by blogmistress on April 29, 2013

My daddy used to tell me to “plan your work and then work your plan.” In the ever-changing and face paced world of online marketing, that can be easier said than done. Often, it happens that a business decides to start building an online presence and then ends up with bits and pieces that don’t really fit together.

Bits and Pieces

Here is how that usually happens: A business owner creates a Facebook page (or perhaps not knowing any better, a Facebook profile) for their business. They start posting a few things and getting “likes” for their page. Now, they hear that Pinterest is the hot spot, soooo, they head on over and create a Pinterest profile and start pinning. Of course, you can’t get found online without including Google, so off they go to create a Google+ account. Now Google wants them to claim their place page and they are asking for a web address. Okay, now they have to bite the bullet and get a website (if they don’t already have one). Someone tells them (accurately) that a blog is good for search engine optimization. Oh, and what about pay-per-click? . . . this could go on and on forever.

Pull it together

If something like the above scenario is how things have happened for your business, it is time to stop and assess what you have and pull it all together in one overall plan. A good approach is to create a hub for your online presence and then build from there. The logical place to start building is with your website. It is really the only online property you own and who knows what the next hot social media site will be or how Facebook or Google are going to change their algorithms next. Think about:

  • Who is your target market - who are you trying to reach?
  • Where does your target market hang out? Are they on Facebook, Twitter or are they searching on Google for your products and services?
  • Be where they are looking and link your accounts together to ultimately draw people back to your website.
  • Create calls to action that will help your visitors convert into leads for your business.
  • Have a plan for following up on the leads you have generated.

If you have bits and pieces out there that aren’t really tied together, the process of pulling it all together may take a bit of time and certainly some effort but it will pay off in the end with leads for your business.

Need help pulling it all together? Give us a call 504-491-0001.

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